Debby Ryan teve um ataque cardíaco?

Depois da chocante notícia da morte prematura de Cameron Boyce, no passado fim de semana, Debby Ryan terá, alegadamente, sofrido um ataque cardíaco, tendo sido transportada para o hospital. Os dois atores norte-americanos contracenaram na série «Jessie», da Disney Channel.
O site, conhecido pela verificação de factos, afirma que se tratam de «rumores infundados» que se espalharam nas redes sociais. Depois de algum 'silêncio', Debby Ryan já reagiu no Instagram à perda do amigo e colega: «Isto deu cabo de mim».
«Ele era inocente e incansavelmente alegre; ele era bom (...) Estou tão confusa, devastada e zangada (...) O meu coração está com os pais dele, Vic e Libby, cheios de graça, e a sua maravilhosa irmã Maya. Uma tristeza inimaginável (...) Eu amo-o tanto. Para sempre», escreveu.

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This ripped me up. I keep trying and I can’t make anything make sense. He was blameless, and relentlessly joyful; he was good. Through and through, Cam is good, in all ways and to all people. And the most alive. It’s wrong. I am so confused and devastated and angry. But that isn’t very Cam. He’d cast any shade of sadness or darkness in colors of positivity; he couldn’t help himself but to always leave you smiling, or laughing, or dancing. So sincere, kid Truth. He was good. My heart is with his parents, Vic and Libby, full of grace, and his wonderful sister Maya. An unimaginable sorrow. I’m grateful for our Jessie family, with whom to uniquely grieve our guy — Peyton, Skai, Kevin and Karan, whose soul is also far too special to have to experience this depth of grief. There are beautiful connections and beams of light, ever present, truly the fingerprints of Cam still around and showing up in the midst of this. I love him so much. Forever. You’re alive in the legacy of love you built, and I will keep that light burning in me for the rest of my journey. The world was robbed. We’re better for you.
Uma publicação partilhada por Debby Ryan (@debbyryan) a


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